Bowhunting Coyotes in Minnesota
Calling all Minnesota bowhunters and archery enthusiasts! Did you know you can bowhunt coyotes any time of the year? Predator hunting is not only an exciting challenge but also plays a vital role in supporting Minnesota’s deer population.
Taking down a coyote with a bow requires skill, patience, and precision, making it one of the most rewarding hunts you can experience. If you’re looking for a slightly easier option, a crossbow paired with quality optics can increase your chances of success.
A word of caution before hitting the woods—while we fully support wolf management, it’s crucial to know the difference between wolves and coyotes. Wolves in Minnesota are federally protected, and harvesting one by mistake can result in serious consequences.
Sharpen your archery skills, challenge yourself, and do your part for wildlife management with coyote bowhunting in Minnesota!