The New Home of Minnesota Bowhunters

Bowhunter Rights


Advocating for Bowhunter Rights in Minnesota

At MNBOW, we stand united in protecting the rights of bowhunters across Minnesota. Whether you shoot a traditional bow, compound bow, or crossbow, we’re here to ensure that you can continue to enjoy the sport you love—free from interference and misunderstanding.

Fighting for Your Rights

Bowhunting is more than just a sport—it’s a tradition, a passion, and a way we connect with nature. However, we know that bowhunters are increasingly under attack by those who question our ethics or oppose hunting altogether. That’s where MNBOW steps in. We will actively advocate for your rights, defend against unfair legislation, and provide a platform for all bowhunters to have their voices heard.

Your Voice Matters

At MNBOW, we believe in collaboration. We don’t assume to know what’s best for you as a bowhunter—we ask. By directly engaging with Minnesota’s bowhunting community, we identify the key issues that matter most to us all. Together, we can protect and promote the sport we hold so dear.

Protecting the Future of Bowhunting

Now more than ever, it is crucial to stand united to safeguard the future of bowhunting. MNBOW is committed to addressing shared challenges and championing solutions that reflect the values and traditions of the bowhunting community.

Join Us Today

Your passion fuels what we do. Join MNBOW to contribute to a strong, supportive community dedicated to protecting the rights of bowhunters in Minnesota. Together, we can make our voices heard and ensure that future generations can enjoy the sport we all treasure.

Protect Bowhunting. Protect Tradition.

Join MNBOW and work with us to uphold the legacy of bowhunting in Minnesota. We’re stronger together.

Minnesota Bowhunting Organization


  • Grand Rapids, Minnesota
  • 218-262-9410